Nurture, Grow, Shine
Nurture, Grow, Shine
Radnage C of E Primary School

Admissions Information

Radnage Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Aided (VA) Combined School from Nursery to Year 6. Our pupil admission number (PAN) is 14 pupils in each year group.
We welcome visits to the school for children due to start in September 2024. Our visit and tour dates will be published on the front page of the website. During these sessions you will meet the Head Teacher and have a tour of school and opportunity to ask any questions you may have. 
Please can you call the School Office or send us an email to book onto one of the tours. We look forward to seeing you!
The Governing Body of the School, not Buckinghamshire Local Education Authority (the LA), is responsible for deciding on admissions to the school, but works closely with the LA who coordinate admissions to all maintained schools and academies in Buckinghamshire. Details of the LA arrangements for entry are on the Buckinghamshire County Council website in the school admission section:
In year admissions are also coordinated through Buckinghamshire LA and the application form is available through their website.
For full and precise details regarding admissions arrangements, please read our current current Admissions Policy in the Policies section of this website. 
If, following an application to the school, a place is not available for your child and the school is over-subscribed, you will have the opportunity to both remain on the waiting list and/or lodge an appeal.  Please contact the school office for information about the appeals process as this is undertaken by the Diocese and not the local authority.
Information regarding how the school considers applications for each relevant age group; what parents should do if they want to apply for their child to attend our school; and our over subscription criteria can all be found in the Admissions Policy below. 
Useful Links: