Nurture, Grow, Shine
Nurture, Grow, Shine
Radnage C of E Primary School


Maths Vision


To ensure mathematical thinking is a habit which enables all students to engage with maths, develop strategies and solve problems.


We use a skill-based scheme of work that ensures full curriculum coverage. The scheme challenges all students, promotes problem-solving and develops resilience.


Teachers’ interactions with students personalise feedback and promote independent study. Teachers encourage risk-taking by recognising the importance of process as well as final outcome. Better questioning and increased thinking time allow students to more fully articulate a reasoned mathematical argument. Teachers aim to ensure children are happier than ever during Maths. Children describe themselves as good at problem solving.


Lessons include problem-solving questions and group discussions, paired work and increased thinking time when responding to teachers’ questions. The result is increased student engagement as more students are willing to take risks when responding to questions. Extended written work in student books demonstrates an increased ability to articulate a reasoned mathematical argument.


Children are:

  •  Pattern Sniffers: look for patterns in numbers
  • Tinkerers: try different approaches and ask “what if”
  • Experimenters: draw on many strategies
  • Inventors: develop new strategies and apply knowledge to new situations.
  • Conjecturers: suggest why things happen
  • Describers: explain their thinking verbally and in their written answers
We follow the National College for the Excellence of Teaching in Maths (NCETM) curriculum. Where practical, we follow the calendar schedule on the links below although, where appropriate, units are moved around to match up areas of study between the different year groups. You can click on each unit for a further break down on the small steps that children will take for that unit.
Further information can be found on the annual long term plans on the class pages. Please also note that, in Year 1/2, we also follow the BBO Maths Hub Mastering Number scheme, which will result in some calendar changes.
BBO Maths Hub Case Study